How to Identify Asbestos Insulation

How to Identify Asbestos Insulation

Building materials, such as insulation for homes, offices, and other structures, once extensively used asbestos. Asbestos exposure can cause anything from relatively mild illnesses to catastrophic diagnoses. Since so many of us still live and work in older buildings, asbestos insulation is likely present. However, while we no longer use asbestos to the same extent, […]

Where Is Asbestos Commonly Found?

Asbestos, a heat-resistant and durable material, was widely used from the 1930s to the 1970s in a variety of settings. Common sources of asbestos-containing materials include residential building components such as flooring, ceiling tiles, insulation, roofing shingles, and siding. While many assume asbestos is limited to older homes, it can still be found in numerous […]