What Happens If the Asbestos Manufacturer Is No Longer in Business?

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with asbestos-related illness and the manufacturer responsible for the exposure is no longer in business, determining whether or not you can pursue legal action can be challenging. It is natural to feel frustrated and helpless when faced with the reality that the company responsible for your suffering is no longer in business and may not be held accountable for your exposure. However, it is important not to lose hope. You still may have options for recourse.

Although pursuing legal action against a defunct asbestos manufacturer may seem difficult, there are still avenues available to seek compensation and justice. It is important to start by consulting with an experienced asbestos attorney. They can assess your case, explore other potentially liable parties, such as insurance companies or successor companies, and guide you through the legal process. Contact an Chicago asbestos exposure lawyer near you to understand your rights and options moving forward.

The Impact of a Defunct Asbestos Manufacturer

Those who have been exposed to asbestos may be at high risk for a variety of serious health conditions. Asbestos, a mineral known for its heat resistance and durability, was widely used in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and automotive, for many years. Unfortunately, asbestos is highly toxic when its fibers are inhaled or ingested, causing serious health issues such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.

Many asbestos manufacturers, aware of the dangers associated with asbestos exposure, continued to produce and distribute asbestos-containing products for decades without warning users or providing adequate protection. As a result, countless individuals have been exposed to asbestos and developed life-threatening illnesses.

When an asbestos manufacturer is no longer in business, the process of seeking compensation for asbestos-related injuries can become much more complicated. This is why it is beneficial to speak with an experienced attorney to learn more about how to manage this situation. It is important to understand that the company’s closure does not absolve them of responsibility for the harm caused. They still may be held at fault for your related health issues. With the help of a skilled asbestos attorney, you can still pursue justice and hold other liable parties accountable.

Exploring Other Potentially Liable Parties

If you find yourself in this situation, where the asbestos manufacturer is no longer in business, one option is to explore other potentially liable parties who may share responsibility for your asbestos exposure. While the defunct manufacturer may no longer have sufficient assets to compensate victims, other entities may be held accountable for their role in the asbestos supply chain. Some potentially liable parties include:

  • Insurance Companies: Many asbestos manufacturers would have carried liability insurance, which should cover claims even after the company closes its doors and ceases to operate. An experienced asbestos attorney can investigate whether the defunct manufacturer had insurance coverage and work to recover compensation from the insurance company.
  • Successor Companies: In some cases, another company may have acquired an asbestos manufacturer. The successor company may have assumed the liabilities of the previous manufacturer, making them responsible for any asbestos-related injuries. An asbestos attorney can investigate the corporate history and identify any potential successor companies that may be held accountable.
  • Other Negligent Parties: Apart from the manufacturer, other parties may be responsible for your asbestos exposure. Contractors, distributors, employers, or property owners who failed to provide adequate warning or protection against asbestos can be held accountable. An experienced asbestos attorney will thoroughly investigate your case to identify all potential defendants and build a strong compensation claim.

All of these options are potential pathways for those who have been exposed to asbestos to receive compensation for their injuries, even if the original liable company is no longer in business. Your asbestos lawyer can research and explain these options in greater detail.

The Legal Process and Your Rights

Overseeing the legal process for asbestos-related claims requires specific legal knowledge of asbestos laws and regulations. By consulting with an experienced asbestos exposure attorney, you can understand the full scope of your rights and different options for seeking compensation. Understanding what to expect can help to ease some of the stress and uncertainty about your asbestos claim. Typically, the legal process follows these steps:

  • Case Evaluation: An asbestos attorney will evaluate the details of your case, including your diagnosis, medical records, work history, and potential exposure sources. They will determine the strength of your claim and advise you on the best course of action.
  • Gathering Evidence: To build a strong case, your personal injury lawyer will gather evidence to prove your asbestos exposure and the resulting harm. This may include medical records, employment records, witness testimonies, and expert opinions.
  • Filing a Lawsuit: If it is determined that you have a viable case, your asbestos attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf. They will handle all legal aspects, including drafting the necessary legal documents, filing deadlines, and managing the court proceedings.
  • Settlement or Trial: In most asbestos-related cases, settlements are reached before going to trial. Your attorney will negotiate with the defendants to secure a fair settlement that compensates you for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, and other damages. If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will represent you in court and fight for your rights before a judge and jury.

Speak with an Asbestos Attorney Right Away

Dealing with an asbestos manufacturer who is no longer in operation and seeking compensation for asbestos-related injuries can be a difficult process. To best protect your right to the compensation you deserve, it is always important to consult an experienced asbestos exposure attorney.

Do not let the closure of the asbestos manufacturer discourage you from pursuing legal action. You may still have access to compensation. Contact an attorney near you who focuses on asbestos cases to discuss your situation and explore your options. They will provide you with tailored guidance, support, and representation throughout the legal process. Remember, you are not alone in this fight for justice.

nick vogelzang
Nicholas J. Vogelzang, Chicago Asbestos Exposure Lawyer