What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is one of the more prominent diseases that result from asbestos exposure and is an aggressive form of cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. It is an extremely rare disease, with doctors diagnosing roughly 3,000 to 4,000 cases in the United States each year. Asbestos exposure is one of the only causes of mesothelioma, and nearly all diagnosed cases of the disease are patients who were around the harmful substance.

If a doctor has diagnosed you or a loved one with mesothelioma, it is crucial to seek legal representation from a mesothelioma attorney. These attorneys have experience in asbestos litigation and know how to handle the legal process on your behalf.

Mesothelioma Is a Tumor in Organ Lining

Book about Mesothelioma and stethoscope on a table.Some internal organs in the body have a lining called mesothelium. For example, mesothelium lines the lungs, heart, abdomen, and testicles, forming a protective coating around these organs. The lining can allow the organs to move freely and assist in the transport of fluids.

When one inhales asbestos into their body, they breathe in millions of tiny fibers that remain there permanently. There is no way of removing asbestos from the body; since these fibers are so durable, they will not break down over time. Instead, they will form their own coating over the lining. The asbestos particles can cause inflammation and scarring of the lining, which is a precursor to cancer. The disease will not develop immediately, and in most cases, a patient does not develop this illness until 20 to 60 years after the asbestos exposure. The fibers remain latent in the body during this time, causing the inflammation that will lead to cancer.

The Different Types of Pleural Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a tumor in the lining of these organs. The most common form of the disease is pleural mesothelioma. Here, the cumulative effects of asbestos exposure can lead to cancer decades after exposure to the toxic substance. There are three primary types of pleural mesothelioma depending on the types of cells that the tumor contains:

  • Epithelioid mesothelioma
  • Sarcomatoid mesothelioma
  • Biphasic mesothelioma

Epithelioid mesothelioma is the most common form of this particular type of cancer, comprising 80 percent of tumors. Although it is a more treatable form of the disease, a patient diagnosed with epithelioid mesothelioma still has a poor prognosis. The average life expectancy of patients with this form of mesothelioma has a life expectancy of 12 to 21 months. Depending on their treatment and when the doctor discovers the disease, some can outlive this timespan.

Other Forms of Mesothelioma

Although it is even rarer than pleural mesothelioma, the disease can also impact other body organs with their lining. Other types of mesothelioma include:

  • Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining of the abdomen
  • Pericardial mesothelioma affects the lining of the heart
  • Testicular mesothelioma affects the lining of the testicles

Peritoneal mesothelioma is the second most common form of the disease. This disease is incredibly aggressive, and the prognosis is a 12-18 month survival time after diagnosis. This illness has no cure, although treatment can help prolong a patient’s lifespan.

Mesothelioma Is Almost Always a Fatal Disease

One of the reasons why mesothelioma is almost always fatal is because it is an aggressive form of tumor. It is also complicated for medical professionals to diagnose this disease because patients may present themselves to the doctor with symptoms resembling other illnesses. Since mesothelioma is so rare, doctors may not initially consider running tests. The disease may have already advanced when the doctor learns more about the patient’s history and runs mesothelioma tests. Accordingly, the five-year survival rate for mesothelioma is approximately 12 percent, and most patients will not survive beyond two years once receiving a diagnosis. Treatment can slow the spread of mesothelioma, but there is no cure for the disease.

You May Have the Legal Right to Financial Compensation for Mesothelioma

Compensation and judge's gavel.If you or a loved one has developed an illness because of asbestos exposure, you can file a claim or lawsuit seeking financial compensation. A mesothelioma attorney can help you with the entire process, whether it involves filing a claim or a lawsuit. Some potential defendants have long gone bankrupt because of their liability from asbestos. As a condition of their bankruptcy, they had to set up trust funds to pay claims like yours. A mesothelioma lawyer can file this claim on your behalf.

Suppose the company that made the product that exposed you to asbestos is still in business. In that case, you can file a product liability lawsuit against the company because it used an unsafe component. Depending on the laws of your state, you can sue your employer for exposing you to asbestos (although it is difficult under the laws of many states because workers’ compensation is sometimes the exclusive remedy as far as your employer’s involvement).

You can file an asbestos lawsuit as a personal injury or wrongful death claim. In many cases, the named plaintiff may pass away while the case is pending, so it will convert to a wrongful death claim. Your family will get paid for the losses that you have suffered when a loved one has. In addition, a survival action will also pay the estate for the harm that the deceased person suffered between the time of their injury and death.

Hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer to Represent You

Mesothelioma lawyers understand these kinds of cases. They work closely with medical professionals to gather crucial evidence, review medical records, and consult expert witnesses. This collaboration allows them to build a strong case on your behalf, demonstrating the link between your asbestos exposure and the development of mesothelioma. With their knowledge and experience, mesothelioma lawyers can present your case compellingly, increasing your chances of obtaining fair compensation.

A mesothelioma lawyer is essential when you receive a diagnosis of this devastating disease. They will provide you with the legal experience, emotional support, and guidance you need to successfully deal with the legal process. With their help, you can focus on your health and well-being while they secure the compensation you deserve.