Reiki Energy Treatment Helps Cancer Patients Heal

Now more than ever, people all over the country are turning to holistic practices to supplement more traditional medical treatments. The benefits of these practices are far-reaching, and often make traditional methods more effective by strengthening the body’s natural defenses. For cancer patients, alternative therapies like meditation and mindfulness practices can help ease the treatment process, mitigating side effects such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Such side effects are common, especially when patients are using chemotherapy or radiation to fight their cancer.  

Reiki is a Japanese energy practice that focuses on balancing the energy in a person’s body and mind. This method gaining popularity among cancer patients hoping to manage their symptoms. The practice of Reiki is guided by the theory that a universal life energy generates and guides balance in an individual’s life. The traditional energy work is credited with reduced stress levels and even pain management, among other concerns, making it an ideal treatment method for those living with cancer.

What is Reiki?

Reiki healing is a type of Japanese energy work that aims to balance the flow of energy in the body. Reiki healers believe that an imbalance or blocked energy flow can lead to physical pain and mental or emotional difficulties. By removing these blocks and allowing a person’s energy to flow freely along the pathways in their body, it is believed that many negative side effects can be removed.

History of Reiki

The practice of Reiki dates back centuries. According to the International Center for Reiki Training, Mikao Usui, who promoted a simple practice that created peace and harmony, is considered the original Reiki healer. Many people still use those techniques today. Other accounts hold that his is just one of many techniques, many of which already existed by the time Mikao Usui’s practices became popular. It has been used since then to treat a variety of problems and has recently become more popular in the United States with the rise of holistic lifestyle practices.

What does Reiki treat?

Because Reiki is a method of energy work, the practice is often associated with mental ailments including anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, or other mental traumas. Patients often seek out treatment to heal these issues, and almost always experience new mental clarity and relief. Reiki practitioners and patients believe that pain and even illness in the body can be amplified by blocked energy pathways, and that opening these pathways can alleviate those symptoms. It is believed that expert practitioners can open these pathways through non-invasive hand positions, which direct and improve energy flow. This natural healing is a gentle approach to wellness.

Reiki masters have used the method to treat a wide variety of symptoms including anxiety, depression, and even physical pain. Sessions can be performed with or without physical contact between the patient and the practitioner, depending on the client’s comfort level. For clients who prefer a session without physical contact, the healer will hover their palms over the body, which allows them to direct their energy flow without actually touching the client.

By strengthening the flow of energy and opening previously blocked pathways, practitioners can reduce pain and amplifying the body’s natural ability to heal itself and fight off illness.

To ensure the comfort of their clients, many Reiki masters travel to their home, allowing them to experience the full benefits of energy work in the most comfortable environment possible. These accommodations are especially beneficial to cancer patients, who may or may not be feeling up to travel or physical contact.

Reiki and Cancer Treatment

Many cancer patients are now adding alternative therapies to their treatment plans. Things like massage and acupuncture can address the physical discomfort commonly associated with treatments like chemotherapy and radiation as well as the mental aspects of life with cancer. It is common for patients to experience anxiety or depression surrounding their diagnosis, which can lead to difficulty sleeping and loss of appetite, among other symptoms.

Common cancer treatment methods like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery can leave patients dealing with unwanted side effects and chronic pain. Reiki addresses these pains by promoting relaxation and balance.

Anxiety, depression, and the resulting difficulties can actually make it more difficult for patients to heal. Sleep deprivation is known to weaken the body, and addressing these issues can make it easier for the body to fight cancer by keeping a patient’s natural defenses in good shape. Many believe that when the body is relaxed, it can better heal itself. Stress reduction and relaxation are key parts of allowing the body to heal.

Using Reiki, cancer patients can bolster their natural defenses by improving their sleep and reducing stress, practitioners say. A recent study by the American Cancer Society showed reduced stress levels and anxiety in patients who added Reiki to their treatment plans. The patients also felt more relaxed and reported feeling less overall pain.

Because Reiki treatments are non-invasive and does not interfere with traditional treatment options or cause any complications, it is an ideal addition for cancer patients. Individuals with cancer in any stage are eligible for treatment.

While energy work like Reiki has been known to enhance healing, it is not a substitute for traditional cancer treatments. Many doctors recommend using these methods in addition to their prescribed routines for best results. Always consult your doctor before adding complementary treatments to your plan.

What to Expect When Receiving Reiki

Reiki sessions are always non-invasive, and practitioners use fifteen traditional hand placements to follow the path of healing energies in the body. These positions allow the Reiki master to interact with energy fields. Sessions can be performed with the client either sitting in a chair or lying flat on their back on a massage table, depending on their comfort and preference. Clients are fully clothed during the session, and healers can use either gentle touch or avoid physical contact altogether. The ultimate goal of a Reiki session is to promote relaxation and healing practices, so client comfort is always a priority.

Typical sessions last from 60 to 90 minutes. Many clients report feeling a sense of warmth or tingling throughout their body as the practitioner directs the flow of energy along their body’s pathways.

The practice of Reiki is fast becoming a popular complementary treatment for cancer patients seeking relief. If you’re thinking about trying this treatment method, make sure to find a qualified and trained Reiki practitioner in your area.