
Asbestos Exposure in the Marines

There’s no prouder moment for a service member than to find out they’ve earned the title of Marine. Unfortunately, many of them paid a price for that honor. Asbestos exposure in the Marines resulted in tens of thousands of patriots developing devastating diseases, such as mesothelioma and others.

Marines and their families affected by these diseases often turn to skilled Chicago Asbestos lawyers to help them seek justice and compensation. They take legal action against the companies that manufacture and use asbestos with the full knowledge the material is deadly. Here’s some information on how asbestos exposure in the Marines occurred and how victims can fight back against those responsible for their suffering.

Common Ways Marines Suffered Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos exposure in the Marines happened for many reasons. Some of the most common sources of exposure occurred in aircraft and barracks. Materials containing asbestos were widespread in constructing, maintaining, and repairing planes and housing facilities.

Asbestos in Aircraft

Insulation, gaskets, electrical wiring, brake pads, and other aircraft components contain asbestos. During routine maintenance and repair work, Marines came into contact with these materials, often without adequate protection or awareness of the associated health risks.

Removing or replacing insulation, repairing brakes, or working on electrical systems can disturb asbestos fibers, releasing them into the air where personnel inhale them.

The cramped and poorly ventilated conditions inside aircraft further worsened the risk of asbestos exposure in the Marines. In such confined spaces, airborne asbestos fibers can become concentrated, increasing the likelihood of inhalation. The vibrations and turbulence experienced during flight operations can also disturb asbestos-containing materials, contributing to the release of fibers into the air.

Asbestos in Housing

Asbestos in Housing

Asbestos exposure in the Marines also occurred due to asbestos-containing materials used in the construction and maintenance of barracks. The deadly material was present in nearly every inch of a housing unit, including ceiling tiles, asbestos exposure on floors, and insulation-protecting pipes. Over time, wear and tear and renovation or repair work can disturb these materials, releasing asbestos fibers into the indoor environment.

Marines suffered asbestos exposure through various activities such as drilling, hammering, or performing maintenance tasks. Other factors, such as aging infrastructure, poor maintenance practices, and lack of asbestos awareness training, further contributed to the risk.

The consequences of asbestos exposure in aircraft and barracks can be severe, with potential health effects including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. These diseases often have long latency periods, meaning symptoms may not appear until decades after initial exposure, making it challenging to link them directly to military service.

Why Veterans Should Hire a Lawyer to Obtain Compensation for Asbestos-Related Diseases

Veterans diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases may face significant challenges in obtaining compensation for their illnesses without an attorney’s help. Given the complex nature of asbestos litigation and the unique circumstances surrounding asbestos exposure in the Marines, hiring a lawyer experienced in handling asbestos-related cases can be crucial for veterans seeking compensation.

There are several compelling reasons why veterans should consider getting legal help. Here are just a few to consider.

The Challenges of Asbestos Litigation

Asbestos litigation involves intricate legal procedures, extensive documentation, and professional testimony to establish liability and prove damages. A knowledgeable asbestos attorney understands the nuances of asbestos exposure in military settings, including the unique regulations and protocols governing asbestos use in the armed forces.

Resistance from Asbestos Companies

Asbestos companies often have teams of lawyers dedicated to minimizing their liability and reducing the amount of compensation they are obligated to pay. Hiring a skilled asbestos attorney levels the playing field. A lawyer can negotiate with opposing parties, handle settlement discussions, and, if necessary, litigate the case in court to pursue maximum compensation for damages.

How a Lawyer Can Prove Asbestos Exposure in the Marines

Asbestos lawyer

Unrepresented veterans may find it impossible to identify the source of their dangerous asbestos exposure in the Marines and establish a clear link between their military service and their illness. An experienced lawyer can investigate to gather evidence. They can also speak with medical professionals to build a compelling case demonstrating the connection between your military service and asbestos-related disease.

Proving asbestos exposure in the Marines can be a challenging task for many reasons, including the following:

  • The time between exposure and diagnosis.
  • The widespread use of asbestos-containing materials in the military.
  • The often incomplete or inadequate documentation of exposure incidents. 

Effective Investigation Strategies

However, experienced asbestos lawyers employ several strategies and methods to establish a veteran’s exposure to asbestos during their military service. These are just a few.

  • Documentation: One of the primary ways lawyers prove asbestos exposure in the military is by gathering detailed information about the veteran’s military service history. This information includes obtaining service records, deployment records, duty assignments, and any relevant documentation indicating potential asbestos exposure in the Marines. By meticulously reviewing these records, lawyers can identify specific locations, occupations, or tasks where asbestos leads to mesothelioma, such as shipyard work, construction projects, or maintenance duties.
  • Interviewing veterans: Lawyers often consult with veterans to gather firsthand accounts of their experiences and potential asbestos exposure incidents during their time in the military. Veterans can provide valuable information about the conditions they encountered, the materials they worked with, and any safety precautions (or lack thereof) in place at the time. These personal testimonies can help corroborate the evidence gathered from service records and strengthen the case for asbestos exposure.
  • Speaking with professionals: Asbestos attorneys may also consult medical professionals and occupational health specialists to assess the veteran’s medical history, conduct how dangerous asbestos exposure assessments are, and establish a causal link between their military service and their asbestos-related disease. Medical professionals can provide invaluable testimony regarding the diagnosis, progression, and likely cause of the veteran’s illness, helping to substantiate the compensation claim.
  • Gathering historical data: Another critical aspect of proving asbestos exposure in the military is demonstrating the widespread use of asbestos-containing materials in military facilities, equipment, and infrastructure during the veteran’s service period. Attorneys may obtain historical data, military specifications, construction records, and other documentary evidence to illustrate the prevalence of asbestos in various military settings. 


If you suffered asbestos exposure in the Marines and developed a severe disease, please don’t hesitate to contact an experienced mesothelioma lawyer immediately.

Hire Your Asbestos Attorney Today

There is generally a deadline for filing asbestosis-related lawsuits, so don’t wait to find and hire a qualified Mesothelioma & Asbestos injury lawyer. Seek your free case evaluation as soon as possible.

Nicholas J. Vogelzang
Nicholas J. Vogelzang, Mesothelioma Lawyer