
Dealing with Radiation Fatigue When You Have Mesothelioma

One of the symptoms you’ll experience when you have mesothelioma is fatigue – often the result of radiation therapy. By working with a mesothelioma attorney, you can focus more on your medical care and manage and preserve your energy.

Dealing with Fatigue During Mesothelioma Treatment and Radiation Therapy

Fatigue is one of the most common and challenging side effects experienced by mesothelioma patients, especially those undergoing radiation therapy. It’s important to understand that this fatigue is different from everyday tiredness – it can be overwhelming, persistent, and not relieved by rest alone. Below are several strategies to help you manage your fatigue:

Prioritize rest and sleep by doing the following:
  • Set up a consistent schedule of sleep.
  • Follow a relaxing bedtime routine – take a warm bath and meditate.
  • Ensure your bedroom is set up for relaxing – don’t work on your computer or watch TV. The space should be quiet, soothing, and softly lit.
  • Take short naps of about 20 minutes during the day. Just don’t nap too close to your bedtime.
Conserve energy by doing the following each day:
  • Divide your activities with rest periods.
  • Prioritize essential tasks and delegate less important tasks to others.
  • Use energy-saving items, such as shower chains or electric can openers.
  • Sit rather than stand when performing activities, if possible.
Stay physically active by doing the following:
  • Engage in light exercise that your healthcare providers are okay with.
  • Begin with short walks and gradually increase the duration.
  • Perform gentle activities like tai chi or certain yoga poses.
  • Exercise earlier in the day when your energy level is higher.

Maintain proper nutrition and eat properly by making the following a priority:

  • Consume a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking flavored water, low-fat milk, smoothies, or vegetable or fruit juices.
  • Talk to a nutritionist who specializes in cancer care.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals to better maintain your level of energy.
Manage stress and emotions, as they can drain you of vital energy. You can do this by:
  • Practicing a relaxation technique, such as guided imagery or deep breathing
  • Joining a mesothelioma support group
  • Scheduling counseling or therapy to talk about your emotional challenges
  • Engaging in the activities you enjoy and modifying them to suit your energy level

Communicate with your healthcare team
so you can stay on top of issues you’re having with fatigue. This might include discussing adjustments to your medication or asking about complementary therapies such as acupuncture.

Optimize your treatment schedule by scheduling radiation treatments when you feel more energetic. Follow up by resting more on the days following therapy.

Stay socially connected by keeping current with family and friends and accepting their offers to help. Use technology to stay connected when an in-person visit is difficult.

Journalize your fatigue so you can recognize triggers and patterns. Rate your level of fatigue on a scale from 1 to 10.

Check for problems with anemia by taking regular blood tests and supplementing your diet with iron.

Keep your home environment energy-friendly by organizing your living area to minimize any unnecessary exertion. You can do this by keeping frequently used items in easy to reach places and use assistive devices to make daily tasks less taxing.

Practice energy conservation methods by using a cart to transport items instead of carrying them. Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Be mindful if you have cognitive fatigue – something that is normal when you’re receiving cancer treatments. To overcome fatigue, use memory aids like reminders or lists. Perform any mentally demanding task when you feel more alert.

Maintain a positive outlook – focus on what you can do rather than where you’re limited. Give yourself a pep talk when you realize milestones during your treatment journey.

Why It’s Important to Work with a Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer primarily caused by asbestos exposure. Given the complexities surrounding the disease and its legal implications, working with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer is imperative. Retaining legal support can help you focus more on your care.

Lawyers can help you in the following ways:

  • Using Their Skills in Asbestos Litigation – A mesothelioma lawyer can handle mesothelioma cases, as they’re familiar with relevant laws, precedents, and regulations.
  • Identifying the Responsible Parties – A mesothelioma lawyer will investigate your asbestos exposure history and identify the responsible parties to maximize your compensation.
  • Accessing Resources for Funds – Experienced lawyers know how to accurately increase your case’s value. They can do this by pursuing compensation for your damages, including asbestos trust funds, personal injury lawsuits, wrongful death claims (for family members), and veterans benefits,  if applicable.
  • Managing Complicated Paperwork – Your lawyer can file mesothelioma claims and supporting documents. They can manage all the required paperwork, reducing your stress and, therefore, fatigue. They will also ensure that all your filings are precise and meet the guidelines.
  • Negotiating with Defendants – Skilled lawyers will effectively negotiate with asbestos companies and their insurance providers. They aim to secure settlements without resorting to taking a case to trial. However, if necessary, they will also proceed to the courtroom.
  • Resolving a Claim Faster – A lawyer skilled in mesothelioma cases can expedite the legal process for a mesothelioma claim. Many jurisdictions will fast-track a mesothelioma case due to the urgency of care. A quicker resolution means you can receive your compensation sooner, so you can focus on your care.
  • Planning for the Future – A mesothelioma attorney can also help you plan your family’s financial future. They can advise you on setting up arrangements to protect the compensation you receive.
  • Challenging Arguments  – Defendants may state that another reason led to your mesothelioma diagnosis. A skilled lawyer can counter the claim with medical evidence and expert testimonies.
  • Collecting the Right Evidence – Mesothelioma lawyers can collect all the supporting evidence for your claim, including employment records, product identification, and expert statements and testimonies.
  • Representing You During Hearings and in Court – If needed, your attorney can take your case to trial or represent you during a hearing.
  • Protecting Your Rights – A lawyer will protect your rights during the legal process. They can also advise you on interacting with insurers and other applicable parties.

Managing Fatigue and Getting the Legal Help You Need

Managing fatigue during mesothelioma treatment, especially radiation therapy, requires a multifaceted approach. By implementing various strategies to conserve energy, maintain physical and emotional health, and optimize your treatment experience, you can improve your quality of life. Ensure you receive the proper legal representation so you can focus on your care during a challenging time.

Contact a Mesothelioma Attorney About Getting Mesothelioma Compensation

It’s always important to prioritize your health and medical care. It’s also imperative to contact a mesothelioma lawyer at Vogelzang Law if you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Contact an attorney today.